Yoni Reflexology
Our Yoni holds an infinity of emotions.
We mustn't forget that the vagina is half sacral chakra, half root chakra—regardless of what anyone says, it carries an energy mixed between the two, making it unique, irreplaceable, and fully powerful.
So what happens when survival experiences—aka, the root chakra, which is equivalent to the pile of traumas that the women of this era carry—are involved? I’m talking about the most dramatic, such as abuse with violence, to any rejection you may have suffered. The root chakra is the one that most suffers in our existence in this realm, and although the sacral chakra is the center of pleasure, every time those painful or confusing experiences surfaced, our sacral chakra processed them as the absence of pleasure and the presence of fear, which contracts your genitals, your anus, this entire area, turning it into a knot of physical and energetic stress.
If you add to this guilt, fears, disgust, the lack of body recognition, etc., you’ll understand why our center of pleasure and manifestation tends to be collapsed if we don't pay attention to it.
I say that the traumas you see today are the bill of your past decade. What emerges in your thirties is the bill of your twenties, what comes in your forties is the one from your thirties, and so on. With luck, we heal, evolve, set boundaries, protect ourselves, and love ourselves more, and with that, the bill becomes lighter.
So, all these emotions caused by these events—all of them related to fear—get stuck there, unexpressed, due to shame, not knowing how to express them, or how to manage them. Those emotions that weren’t expressed, and since those events happened, we choose not to dig into them again, begin to form a kind of callus that first numbs, but with time, around 10 years, it becomes painful, though from the perspective of time, it feels buried beneath many layers. Hello, callus!
That’s how we work, and the truth is, it’s not wrong. Our unconscious has brilliant ways of protecting itself, and although we don't deceive ourselves and end up hiding our traumas, we also ensure that when we don’t have the tools to deal with traumas, at least we have a mechanism to prevent us from losing it.
My work with women is to dig deep, and that's why I love Obsidian, because it’s the perfect tool to dig through all those painful emotions—the ones that are ingrained and we don’t even know what to do with them, because most of the time, we don’t know where they came from.
That’s where vaginal reflexology comes in, which I personally find wonderful for healing and releasing those emotions without having to delve into the psychological side. It doesn’t matter why; what matters is the “for what,” and in that answer, you’ll always find that it’s “to grow, to evolve,” and that’s enough to not torment yourself with the “why me!” and focus on capitalizing the cause or effect—at this point, it doesn’t matter.
These emotions are the same ones that occasionally emerge when you’re having sex, and you feel a sudden discomfort, a negative emotion, something that makes you feel anger, pain, or shame—anything that takes you out of pleasure and makes you feel insecure. Those are the emotions emerging. When you’re having sex, whether it’s with the penetration of fingers, a dildo, a crystal wand, or a penis, all these reflex points are being stimulated, connecting with all the emotions that have been stored in our organs and come out when we release control, when we become vulnerable and connect with pleasure—something the Ego doesn’t like because it gives it the perfect space to torment us.
The thing is, when those emotions come up, you don’t know what to do with them. You feel them and try to hide them, because what would your partner think if, out of nowhere, you burst into tears, or you decide to attend to your anger and stop the act? So, you ignore them and moan as if you're seeking a prize at the porno awards.
But those emotions stay there—they don’t leave—and they won’t leave because you haven’t truly seen them, felt them, and released them so they can exit your system. In order for emotions to disappear, you need to express them, but to express them, you need to feel them, and to feel them, you need to stop ignoring them and make space for them to surface.
They’re just emotions, don’t take them too seriously—feel the pain, feel the anger, but count to 90, and you’ll see they’ll disappear. The key is to feel them and express them. Usually, crying, sobbing, or speaking the raw truth are great ways to drain emotions, but not everyone is ready to navigate this water with you while you’re feeling this way.
How to start?
Create a comfortable space where you feel safe to use your Yoni Wand. Preferably with cushions, pillows, dim lighting, as if you’re preparing the space to make love.
Use enough lubricant, start by applying a generous amount along your vulva. Leave it there, and begin to touch your body from the outside in—starting with your legs, arms, head, and the most intimate area, your genitals. So, you’ll begin at the periphery of your body and slowly travel to the center.
“Go slow” is somewhat subjective, because what feels slow for me may feel like an eternity or too fast for you. Think of your normal pace and then slow it down to one-third of that. Slow your pace at every moment and look for, in that slowness, the sensations.
Begin by passing your crystal wand over your shoulders, head, and arms. You can massage yourself with strong or soft touch. You can even start by using a feather to tickle your skin and gradually move closer to your Yoni.
Once you feel that you want to go to your genitals, not out of hurry, but because pleasure is felt and your body begins to ask for attention in that area, start moving your wand over the labia majora, the entire outer area of your vulva.
Don’t enter the labia minora until you feel the desire. Don’t force anything, go as slowly as your body allows you to enter.
Once you enter the labia minora, pass the wand over your lips and circle the clitoris and the entrance to your vagina—the portal to your Yoni. Feel the temperature of the wand, feel its texture, feel how it slides across your vulva.
Emotions, fears, resistances may start to surface. Listen to yourself with love and breathe when these sensations come. Continue going slowly—don’t go beyond if an emotion is blocking you. Emotions must be felt to move forward; don’t try to ignore them or force yourself to go further.
To be able to enter your vagina, you need to be aroused. If not, it will be uncomfortable or painful. Pleasure is important for this healing, and I’m not just talking about orgasm. In fact, I’m talking more about the pleasure you feel in the process, on the way to what could lead to one, two, or more orgasms.
The ideal moment to penetrate your Yoni is when you feel aroused and you feel ready to go further. Then, apply lubricant again at the entrance to your vagina and enter with the thicker tip of the wand if it has one, otherwise, just enter with the side that suits you.
Start making circles at the entrance of your vagina with the tip of your wand. Circles that slowly pave the way for entry. Enter little by little, feel how the wand slides inside your vagina.
First, we begin with the first block, the first third at the entrance of your vagina. Start by making circles in this third. Move the wand sideways, following your intuition.
This first block [see initial image] corresponds to the Kidneys. In this area and in these organs, emotions of FEAR and DOUBT are stored. Feel whatever arises as you massage this area. You can also be massaging with your hands, the wand is just another tool.
While you feel this massage, evoke the positive emotions that counteract fear and doubt—in the case of the kidneys, these are calm and softness—and begin to connect with the energy of those emotions while feeling whatever you need to feel.
If there’s crying, let the tears flow. If there’s a lot of crying, let it out. Let whatever comes out, come out.
Then, move the wand to the second block and repeat the process in this area. Then, proceed to the third block.
When you reach the cervix, you should insert the wand as deep as it connects with the cervix. When you move the wand in large, deep circles, you will be stimulating the area around the cervix, which corresponds to the Lungs, while the center of the cervix corresponds to the heart and its emotions.
To stimulate the center, make deep, circular, but short movements—not too wide circles.
Very important: DO NOT ANALYZE your practice. If you bring your mind, anus, or fear into it, you may feel like you’re doing it wrong, but there’s no way you’re doing it wrong. You might not know if you're truly stimulating the area around the cervix, but that doesn’t matter. Assume you’re doing it right, and you’ll feel the results.
Once you’ve stimulated your entire vaginal canal, leave the wand deep inside, preferably connected with the cervix. Now, start doing Yoni Breaths:
Inhale deeply while contracting your genitals and hugging the wand with your vagina. Exhale deeply while relaxing your genitals. Repeat this breath for as long as you wish, but at least for 3 minutes to begin seeing its results, calling on the orgasmic energy while continuing to drain the emotions from each vaginal block.
You can stay in this breath until you feel one or more orgasms, or you can stop when you feel complete. Remove your wand and meditate on your experience, write in your journal, and process everything you felt.
Eventually, you can do this with your partner. If you teach them how to do this for you, you’ll experience something completely different when receiving the medicine of vaginal reflexology. For this, you need to communicate with your partner and prepare them for when emotions come up. Have a safe word so that your partner can stop if needed. You can tell them that if emotions arise, they should continue unless you say that word. If you don’t say it, your partner should keep going, observe you without judgment, and allow you to feel and release those emotions.
After doing reflexology, it’s a nice time to use your Rose Quartz or Crystal Yoni Egg to bring beautiful energy and high frequency to your Yoni.