Aloha, Lunita 🌙

“Lunita” is how I call each of the women who choose to join this community, and in Spanish, it means "little moon." Even though my English-speaking community is still very small, it brings me so much joy that you’re here, and I’m so excited to call you Lunita.

Welcome to this page, created just for you, to help you make the most of your newly acquired Yoni Egg or Yoni Wand. I want to inspire you to dive into this sensual practice that can transform your life.

Step 1: Welcome It into Your Life.

Begin by inviting your Yoni Egg or Wand into your life, your altar, and your experience. Hold it close to your heart for a moment and introduce yourself. Speak to it as you would to your best friend, your greatest ally, or your sacred medicine.

Step 2: Energetically Cleanse It.

Crystals love the elements, and following your intuition will make this part feel natural.

  • Place your crystal in sunlight or under the full moon to charge it with masculine or feminine energy.

  • Cleanse it with a mixture of water and sea salt, known for its purifying properties. Submerge your crystal in a bowl of this blend.

  • Smudge it with sage, copal, or incense. You can also use a floral smudge bundle to add sweetness while cleansing.

  • Enhance its energy with palo santo, rose petals, or lavender in a smoke cleanse.

  • Obsidian loves being buried in the earth for one or more nights to purify and realign its frequency with Mother Earth.

Feel free to play, let your inner witch emerge, and listen to the energy of your crystal as you purify it.

Step 3: Physically Cleanse It.

Use natural, neutral soap and water to clean your crystal, ensuring no residue remains. Always clean it before use.

If your Yoni Egg falls into the toilet, sterilize it by placing it in a pot with cold water. Bring the water to a gentle boil over medium heat. Avoid dropping it into already boiling water, as this may cause cracks. Let it boil for one minute, then remove it and allow it to cool completely before use.

There’s no need to sterilize your egg after every use. Frequent sterilization can cause internal and external cracks.

Step 4: Implant It.

This isn’t just a kegel weight—you’re implanting a crystal from Mother Earth, carrying a piece of her energy to help you heal your sexuality. Do it with intention, in a loving space, and consider giving yourself pleasure during or after implantation.

  • Lie down in a comfortable position with your legs open. Use pillows to support yourself and create space to go slowly.

  • Apply a water-based lubricant or fresh aloe vera gel to the entrance of your yoni. Take a moment to massage yourself and relax your hips.

  • Recall your intention, hold it in your mind, and blow it into your crystal three times. Inhale your intention and exhale it directly into the crystal, planting it in your center of power.

  • Hold the narrower end of the yoni egg and guide the wider end to your vaginal opening. Inhale and exhale as you gently spiral it inward. Go slowly, connected to your breath and your intention. Once inside, gently push it deeper with your index finger.

Once Your Yoni Egg Is Inside…

You can sleep with it, which is especially helpful for beginners. At first, it might be difficult for the Yoni Egg to stay inside, and it may come out during your first trip to the bathroom or even sooner.

If it doesn’t stay in, don’t worry. Try wearing it at night, and over time it will stay in place longer. Eventually, you’ll feel confident enough to go about your day with your Yoni Egg.

If you feel you lack vaginal tone, experience pelvic floor weakness, urinary leakage, or discomfort during sex, I recommend doing the exercises I’ve designed for you.

You can also wear your Yoni Egg exclusively during your Yoni Yoga practice and then remove it afterward. This is a great way to tone if your egg tends to slip out. Otherwise, let it stay inside until it naturally comes out.

2 Divine Classes Await You…

Click on the class you’d like to join:

While I don’t have much content in English yet, I’m gradually adding more to my YouTube and Instagram.

To Remove Your Yoni Egg…

It’s best to let it come out on its own. However, if you’re menstruating, pregnant, or wish to remove it, here’s how to do so lovingly:

  • Massage your lower belly and communicate with your yoni. Ask it to relax and allow the egg to exit gently.

  • Sit on the toilet, relax, and insert your index and middle fingers into your vaginal canal. Locate the egg—it may be high up or tucked away. Remember, it cannot pass your cervix. Once you touch it, gently expand your canal with your fingers and bear down softly. Breathe deeply, hold your breath briefly, and push gently. Repeat this until the egg exits.

  • If it doesn’t come out, don’t panic. Sometimes, it moves higher up. Sit in a squatting position with your back supported by a wall, like the yoga pose Malasana. Relax your yoni as you inhale and gently push as you exhale.

Yoni Wands:

If you’ve purchased a yoni wand, follow the same steps for energetic and physical cleansing as with the yoni egg.

However, the wand isn’t meant for implantation but for massage, releasing tension, and restoring flexibility to your yoni.

I’ve prepared a mini workshop on Vaginal Reflexology to help you unlock the full potential of your yoni wand.

Click here to join the workshop

Ana Bolena Meléndez

La meditaciĂłn es la energĂ­a que me mueve, a travĂ©s de ella experimento magia. En M EDITA podrás encontrar meditaciones terapĂ©uticas guiadas por mi, asĂ­ como contenido con tĂ©cnicas de respiraciĂłn, visualizaciĂłn y sanaciĂłn.

Yoni Reflexology
